and Dedicated to our Minister REVERED W. GRANT MACDONALD ................. |
Booklet on sale - April 3, 1971. - Price $1.00
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The Crest of The United Church of Canada is colourful and meaningful. The Crest plays a dual role. It was originally designed to be the Seal of The shape of the Crest links us with the Early Church, for its oval form is derived from the outline of a fish which was used as a secret symbol by which Christians identified one another during the days of persecution. The "X" at the centre is the Greek letter Chi, the first letter in the Greek word for Christ and the traditional symbol for the person of Christ, the centre of our faith. In the four quarters of the Cross are appropriate symbols, three of which are particularly associated with the three communions B Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian, which united to form The United Church of Canada on June 10, 1925. 'The open Bible' represents the Congregational Churches with their emphasis upon God's truth that makes men free. 'The dove' is emblematic of the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:10) whose transforming power has been a distinctive mark of Methodism. 'The burning bush' is the symbol of Presbyterianianism. It refers to the bush that burned and was not consumed (Exodus 3:2) and symbolizes the indestructibility of the Church. The symbols 'alpha and omega' in the lower quarter are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. They symbolize the eternal, living God (Revelation 1:8). Around the rim of the Crest are the named "The United Church of Canada" and the Latin words "Aut omnes unum sins" which mean "That all may be one". They are taken from the prayer of our Lord as recorded in John 17:21. They remind us that ours is a united and uniting Church. |
THE ROCK FROM WHENCE WE ARE HEWN The following, with few amendations, is a sermon preached by Reverend Grant MacDonald in St. James Church Hall on Sunday, January 31, 1971. Isaiah 51:1: "Look to the rock whence you are hewn and to the hole of the pit whence you are dug". One hundred years ago, on Sunday, January 29th, 1871, this church building was opened for worship.
A look at the past is always valuable, not
just for the sake of recalling old scenes and
associations, but also because it helps us to
understand the present and to be more appreciative of our blessings. Likewise, such a
backward look helps us to be more mindful of
our responsibilities in carrying on the work started by others, and to try to bring to fulfilment the hopes and aspirations of past days: So, today as we think of more than a century of church life revolving around this building, which we have seen rising from its ruined state of a few months ago, and as we recall that even when it was built St. James Congregation was nearly a half-century old, I think we can find much to reflect upon with profit, and to use as a stimulus and source of encouragement to help us in doing the work at hand. We can surely find here also sources of inspiration as we try to peer into the future. Thus, like Isaiah of old, we "look to the rock whence we are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence we are dug". In short, we examine our origins. The origin of St. James Church dates back to the 1820's when the Glasgow Colonial Society, a missionary group of the Church of Scotland, sent to Dartmouth a missionary, Reverend James Morrison, to minister to persons of Presbyterial extraction, and specifically Scottish stone masons who were empployed in the building of the Shubenacadie Canal. Mr. Morrison arrived in Halifax on the 25th day of September, 1827. He assumed spiritual oversight of all Presbyteria families on the east side of Halifax Harbour, including Lawrencetown, Preston and Porter's Lake. Deed of Constitution is dated January 2nd, 1829; but I am not able to ascertain the precise date of the opening of the first St. James building. A more complete examination of the records may reveal this; but Dr. Stewart in his historical summary seems to have been in some doubt on this point, as refers to steps being taken in November, 1839, to install pews in the building "about eleven years after it was built". It stood on the present location of the Dartmouth Fire Hall; and, according to Mr. Morrison's report to the Synod in August, 1837, would Aaccommodate comfortably between four and five hundred persons". For more than forty years pioneers of St. James worshiped in this building, which remained standing until it was torn down in 1948. Dartmouth was a small community in the 1800's; but it became the home of several thriving industries, while on its outskirts were located many estates and summer homes where the aristocrats of the age lived in grand style. Topper Street, for example, recalls the name of Sir Charles Topper, who owned a large property there. Likewise, the Honourable James Johnstone gave his name to Johnstone Avenue; while his wife's name was long remembered in "Mount Amelia". Dr. John Martin, our beloved and esteemed historian, recently gone to his eternal rest, has fascinating paragraphs on such exquisite homes as "Sunnyside", Maplehurst", "Hazelhurst", "Brooklands", "Locust Knoll", "Beechwood", "Mapledene", as well as other residences where well-to-do families lived and entertained lavishly. This was the setting in which The Church of St. James came into existence, and grew, in the early and middle years of the last century. In February, 1829, one month after 'the execution of the official Deed of Constitution' of the Congregation (Friday, January 2nd, 1829), the first Minister, Reverend James Morrison, took charge of the Royal Acadian School in Halifax; and henceforth he preached at one or another of the stations of his Dartmouth "every Sabbath and to visit the people as time and circumstances would allow". Then, at the end of September, 1830, Dartmouth was separated from the other parts of the pastoral field. Mr. Morrison continued in charge of Lawrencetown, Preston, and Porter's Lake. He removed to Bermuda in 1839, and died ten years later. So ends the first chapter in the story of old St. James. From September, 1830, until September, 1835, there is a blank spot in our records. Then we read that on September 5th, 1835, at seven o'clock in the morning, the recently organized Halifax Presbytery met, and as a result of this Meeting's deliberations on Tuesday forenoon, September 9th, 1835, Reverend Alexander Romans was ordained "to the sacred office of the ministry and to take charge of the Presbyterian Congregation at Dartmouth". He stayed thirteen years, being doubtless a man of very high caliber. Among our treasured possessions is the beautiful Communion Service presented to him in 183? by Mrs. Christian Thomson, great grandmother of Miss Una Thomson who kindly remembered us with a generous donation following the church fire on September 18th last year (1970). Lest the information be forgotten I add the following note from Miss Thomson's letter which accompanied her gift; "Christian Thomson was born Christian Rennie in Falkirk, Scotland, in 1795, and died at Halifax in 1879, interred in Camp Hill Cemetery. She married James Thompson in Spital, Jamaica; and when he died, she and her three sons moved to Halifax, where his sister had married John Young (Agricola), and who also had three sons. I do not know what her connection with Dartmouth was." An interesting item from the old record of Mr. Romans' time is the report which he made to Presbytery in which he declared that he received "by far the smallest stipend of any clergyman in British North America". On his coming to Dartmouth in 1835 his stipend was fifty pounds stirling. The statement to Presbytery is dated about 1838; but seems to have been presented not so much by way of complaint as basis of appeal for greater assistance from the Glasgow Colonial Society on behalf of the Presbyterian cause in Dartmouth for which Mr. Romans expressed deep interest and affection. Mr. Romans resigned his Dartmouth pastorate in August, 1848, much to the regret of the people who tendered to him an address of "profound respect and esteem and affection", along with a resolution that all pew rents up to the end of that year be handed over to him as a tangible token of regard for his long and faithful service among them. For the next nine years, from 1848 until 1857, there was no settled minister in St. James Congregation. Church services, pastoral oversight, and catechetical work were carried on to a greater or lesser degree by Presbytery appointed supply. Such names as Reverend Alexander Forrester, Professor Lyall, and Professor King appear in the records, along with that of David Honeyman, a scholar possessing the unique distinction of being a Hebrew teacher as well as a geologist of no mean merit and curator of the Provincial Museum of Natural Science. Such is a brief sketch of the Congregation of the Church of St. James until, in February, 1857, Reverend Professor Alexander McKnight became Minister of this congregation. He had come to Nova Scotia from Scotland two years previously to teach Hebrew in the Theological College in Halifax, where it was felt that he Awas not fully employed nor sufficiently supported". Under Dr. McKnight's supervision the congregation moved forward. When he came to St. James the families under pastoral oversight numbered twenty-eight; and there was still a debt of one hundred and thirty pounds (130£) owing on the church building. Average attendance at church services was sixty persons. Seven years later, in 1864, Presbytery records express satisfaction with the growth witnessed in the parish. Attendance at church services had doubled; and number of families had increased to forty. Now a new church building on a new location was deemed necessary; and the congregation purchased for $1600. a parcel of land on the corner of what are now King and Queen Streets, "opposite the school house". On July 15, 1868, Professor McKnight resigned his pastorate in order to assume full time work as a teacher at the theological college. Attendance at church had increased to 150 persons, with fifty families under pastoral oversight, and sixty communicant members listed on the Church Roll. Dr. McKnight was a great pioneer and an outstanding scholar. The records he has left us are still remarkable for their beautiful writing, neatness, and accuracy of statement. He lived in a house on the top of "Blockhouse Hill", No. 59 King Street, just above the church. Later he moved to the corner of Victoria Road and Tulip Streets. Both houses are still in use. Mrs. McKnight's sister was married to the Minister in Rexton, New Brunswick. So to this period belongs the interesting story of how the sister's son, young Andrew, used to come to Dartmouth to visit his aunt. Of course, he attended church with his aunt and uncle, and played with the children of the neighbourhood. This boy was destined to become Prime Minister of Great Britian, the Right Honourable Andrew Bonar-Law. It is interesting to speculate that a British Prime Minister in all likelihood joined with other children in climbing the trees which still stand below the house where the McKnight's lived on Victoria road. John Martin relates in his history that years later on a visit to Canada, Bonar-Law came to Dartmouth to visit some of his childhood friends, especially one John Green, who was crippled and who in those later years was proprietor of a jewelry store on Portland Street. Now we come to the present church building. Following Dr. McKnight's pastorate, on October 21st, 1869, the Reverend Alexander Falconer was inducted as Minister of St. James. He was the first settled pastor to give full time to the congregation; and, according to Dr. Stewart, "the work prospered greatly in his hands". His annual stipend at first was $700. "to be increased as soon as the congregation are able". The congregation fulfilled its promise, and by 1874 the stipend had been increased to $1200. Within a month after Mr. Falconer's induction, a congregational committee reported on plans for a new church building. It was agreed, according to Dr. Stewart, "that it will be absolutely necessary to erect a new church on a new site". Moreover, it was agreed that the recently purchased land on the corner of King and queen Streets was not suitable; and at the congregational meeting, held November 9th, 1869, mention is made for the first time of the present church location. Plans were made, and work proceeded speedily; so that little more than a year later, on Sunday, 29th of January, 1871, the present church building was opened for worship. They held three services that day. Professor McKnight preached in the afternoon. The evening sermon was delivered by Principal Ross of Dalhousie University, who lived on Maple Street in the fine residence used until two years ago as St. Peter's Glebe. It is recorded that at these services congregations were so large that many persons were unable to be accommodated. Mr. Falconer lived at first in a house on the corner of Prince Street and what we now know as Alderney Drive. Later he built and occupied the house on Portland Street which until recent years was the family home of the late Judge Murray, and is now the residence of Dr. Lamplugh. Mr. Falconer had two outstanding sons, one of whom I came to regard highly as a college teacher and friend, Professor James William Falconer, kindly known among his students as "Jimmie Willie". The other son is remembered as Sir Robert Falconer, one-time President of The University of Toronto, and knighted by King George V in recognition of his services to education in Canada. These two boys were present here as young children that Sunday in January, one hundred years ago when this church was opened. I recall that when "Professor Jimmie Willie" learned of my coming to St. James in 1946 that he reminisced about his childhood days here. He stated that this was the first church he fell asleep in; then he added whimsically that it was not the last. Such a comment is a reminder that in those days there were no nurseries or "junior congregations", no foam rubber cushions in the pews, and the sermons were much longer than is usual today. As one looks back across a century in which church life for a large number of Dartmouth families revolved around this building as the focal point of a congregation, there are many thoughts which one might dwell upon as the basis for a sermon. One might recall, for example, that the Dominion of Canada was but four years old; and political giants like Joseph Howe, Sir Charles Tupper, and Sir John Thompson, were active on the local as well as the national scene. Dartmouth was not yet a town. Its incorprolation did not come until two years later; in 1873. Its population that year, records Dr. Martin, was 2191 persons. Needless to say, everyone knew his neighbour; and you enquired who a stranger was, if you saw one. The Congregation of St. James was getting on for fifty years of age. Its hard days of severe struggle for existence were past; and parishioners faced the future with optimism. One lesson, of course, from those early days comes from the fact that this church owes its existence to a spirit of missionary mindedness on the part of others, namely, people in Scotland who were anxious that their kin-folk as well as others in this outpost of Empire should be provided with the offices and services of church life, and ministerial oversight. It is notable in this context that, about the same time this church was being planned for, St. James congregation reached out a helping hand to assist in the establishment of a sister church in Digby, Nova Scotia. It is notable also that Stairs Memorial Church in Dartmouth grew out of the Dawson Street Sunday School, which for years was an outpost of St . James. Our records show that in 1887 "the Sabbath School" at the north end was taken under care of the Session of St. James. "In the same year" writes Dr. Stewart, "the little church building, formerly owned by the Messrs. Stairs, was by them transferred to the Church of St. James and removed to Dawson Streets". Two years previously, in 1885, the Sunday School at Woodside had been organized by the St. James Session. It was destined to grow into Imperoyal Congregation. Such missionary and outreach efforts on the part of old St. James are a salutary reminder to us all that in the Church, as well as elsewhere, it is as we look beyond ourselves that true enrichment and enlargement of life are experienced. So, today we must beware of a spirit of complacency which tends to accompany a state of well-being. The people who worshipped here on that Sunday, January 29th, 1871, when this St. James Church building was opened, believed strongly in the future of the Church of Jesus Christ, and the ability of its local minister to contribute to the well-being of men and women and their families. This trust has been justified with the passing years. Thus today, as we look forward to the re-opening of our beloved church building, having seen it rise ajain from its fire-devastated state of a few months ago, let us have no doubt that its mission still exists. Let us take some measure of satisfaction in the fact that 1970, with all its adverse circumstances, for us, was by far the best year St. James has ever experienced for missionary givings. So, let us raise our sights, and try to see ever larger goals ahead. The picture of the church which is reproduced here is one of the oldest extant photographs of the building. Its date, we think, is around 1890. A point to rote especially in the picture is the side entrance, long since walled over; while the mound of earth at the same corner has been excavated, and the present basement doorway opened up. The graceful spire , of course, dominated the edifice. The part removed (prior to 1893) appears to have been almost as tall as that which remains.
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The Ten Stained Glass Windows Depicting the
Life of Christ (Miraculously saved by the Firemen) |
"Thou Shalt call His Name Jesus" In esteemed memory of James G. Thomson 1884-1958.He dwelt with us briefly and remembered this church on his departure. |
"Safe In The Arms of Jesus" To the Glory of God and in loving memory of
Almon Elliot Hilchey 1883-1962. Presented by his wife Florence May Hilchey - 1963. |
"The Great Physician" To the Glory of God and in loving memory of my father and mother William and Lydia Merson and
my husband Albert Arthur Trider 1873-1945; faithfully served St. James Church for years. Presented by Rae B. Trider. |
"Of Such the Kingdom of God" In loving memory of Gerald Esmond Creighton
1897-1961. Served in two world wars - Loyal
friend - Devout Christian - In Royal Flying Corps
Royal Canadian air Force, attaining rank of
Wing Commander. |
"They Found Him in the Temple" To the glory of God and in loving memory of Florence M. Hilchey, 1883-1963. Presented by
her daughter-in-law - 1964. |
"Jesus and the Woman of Samaria" In esteemed memory of William Gordon Martin
1895-1965. Master Builder, Good Citizen,
friend and member of this church. "His monuments are around us". This window is presented
by one who held him in high regard. |
"Ride on in Majesty" To the glory of God and in loving memory of
Mrs. F. K. Marsters, 1878-1961, and her son
John Francis Marsters 1910-1960. |
"Woman Behold Thy Son" In loving memory of Ebenezer Moseley (1813-1903),
Shipbuilder, and wife Jane of this Parish & Son Henry Moseley & wife Frances & their daughters Florence, Helen, & Sadie. Donated by their son Charles, Frederick, & William Moseley. |
"Behold The Place Where They Laid Him" Dedicated to the women of this congregation.Presented by The United Church Women of St. James - 1966. |
"The Great Commission" To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Alexander Hart, 1883-1969. Elder and Church School Superintendent. Stalwart citizen, Faithful Churchman. |
September 18, 1970 | ||
A man will be charged with arson following a fire which destroyed St. James United Church, Dartmouth, this morning. Police took the man, in his twenties, into custody at the scene of the fire shortly after the outbreak was spotted and reported. After an all-night struggle with the blaze, City firemen were still hosing down the building late this morning. The roof was a ragged outline against the sky. A window was broken in the kitchen area and the fire was started there. Flames quickly spread across the roof. The alarm was raised by Ken Osborne of Russell Street, who spotted the smoke and flames at 2.20 A.M. on his way to work. The blaze is believed to have started an hour before being noticed. Firemen saved many of the church's religious articles, along with two pianos and a section of the alter. Ten memorial stain glass windows valued at about $2,000 each were also saved. An organ valued at about $30,000 was lost to the flames. Rev. Mr. MacDonald said the church built in 1871 would have been 100 years old on January 17. |
December, 1970 Three young men were sentenced in Dartmouth Courts for setting fire to St. James Church. Two of them have received Penitentary sentences at Dorchester - the third was given a 21-month term in the Halifax Correctional Centre for his part in setting the fire. |
Excerpts from Bulletin Inserts |
September 20, 1970 Today we assemble under adverse circumstances as a result of Friday morning's fire which practically destroyed our beloved old church. The building was erected a century ago, and we had planned to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its opening four months from now, in January 1971. Now, as a result of incendiarism on the part of a criminal or sick mind, the old building is a shambles with the roof destroyed; and the entire building a wreck. Walls are standing, but appear to be bulged. Stained glass windows are intact, and are now boarded over to prevent vandalism. Pews and cushions have been removed for storage to the rear portion of the Dartmouth Medical Centre. For generosity in providing space for this purpose we are much indebted to the Medical Centre, especially Dr. Vair for his readiness to respond to our need. Organ console is doubtless damaged to some extent. It is covered by a heavy tarpaulin, but a great deal of water got into it. Organ pipes, etc., we believe to be comparatively free from damage; but all controls and wiring of course suffered severely. Communion Table, Baptismal Font, church records, choir gowns, two pianos, and a number of other odds and ends were rescued, thanks to the quick work of several men in braving the smoke and general hazards of the fire. We pay tribute to the firemen, especially to Chief Findlay and Deputy Chief Gerald Gray for their outstanding work. From 2.30 a.m. until well beyond noon the firemen worked, often in dangerous situations. Thanks to their efforts and the fact that there was no wind, the fire was kept localized. It began in a corner of the old kitchen, went up the walls and laid waste the whole roof area. Several of our men deserve special mention for their work in salvaging items during fire, e. g., Murdoch MacDonald, Charles Pye, and Harry Gilfoy. We ought also to express thanks to Mr. Osborne, who first saw the blaze and turned in the alarm, as well as Mr. Crowe who pounded on the manse door and persisted until he got results, along with our Portland Street neighbour, Mr. Frank Prossor. (As publisher, I would like to add a note of thanks to our Minister and his family for their efforts and work in salvaging so many of our church items. Even after the fire, especially during the rain, they worked in the church, covering furniture and moving it around to prevent it from being ruined, To them we owe Many Thanks). Expressions of regret, and offers of help in providing facilities, from neighbouring churches are much appreciated; First Baptist, St. Peters Roman Catholic, St. Clement Roman Catholic, Christ Church Anglican, Grace Church, Stairs Memorial, Seventh Day Adventist are the ones which come to mind. Bishop Davis and Bishop Arnold have both phoned to express regrets, and Monsignor Murphy followed up his visit with a letter containing specific outline of his service and suggestion whereby St. Peter's facilities are available for our use, if needed. Likewise First Baptist Church has sent a letter with a similar offer and one of the deacons called to confirm it. His Worship Mayor Thornhill was early at the scene of the fire, and tendered his profound regrets. Reverend Dr. Chalmers, President of our Maritime Conference, has phoned to convey his regrets. Also Reverend Eric Fullerton, Chairman of the Halifax Presbytery, called at the scene. Monsignor Murphy, on behalf of St. Peter's Parish, and O'Connor Real Estate, accompanied their letters of regret with cheques as contributions to begin our "Restoration Fund". We are most grateful for these generous expressions. Numerous people, including a crew of young folks, have set to work with a will in cleaning up the mess - cleaning and drying hymn books, music, cleaning up the choir room whose roof is still intact, removing pews and cushions, and trucking them away for storage, etc., etc. There are many things to be done; and many hands make light work. For all these things, even the thoughtful gestures of sending some food to the manse, our profound thanks. Now to the task of restoring and rebuilding. Let us all get with it; and make the latter glory of St. James even greater than that which has gone before. |
September 27, 1970 Our entire "way of life" in and around St. James has been altered as a result of the church fire a week ago Friday. A number of persons have continued to come day after day to assist in the cleaning-up work. Women and young folk have done much to salvage, clean, and dry hymn books; choir music, etc.. Also, as mentioned previously, a week ago Saturday a number of men (e.g., Graham, Pye, Dauphinee Minty, P. Morash, Totten, Bannerman, Gilfoy, etc.) worked hard removing pews and cushions and transporting them to the Medical Centre Garage. It was not a "white collar job" by any means; and there was constant danger of falling roof debris. Continuing the work thus begun immediately after the fire, the Chairman of our Building, Committee; Mr. Murdock MacDonald, has been on the job every day since, and in several cases all day, supervising the work of cleaning up rubble and trying to safeguard against further damage by rain and wind. Stained glass windows have been covered over by phywood inside and out, as a precaution against vandalism and protection against accidental breakage. Balcony has been covered by heavy building plastic to protect floor and ceiling underneath. Entire church floor has been similarly covered, also pulpit and oak woodwork. We are much indebted to Mr. Charles Chipman of Harbour Motors Limited for providing us with the use of a truck on several occasions. Also, we express thanks to Mr. Hugh Grassby, Manager of the Imperial Oil Refinery, for giving us the use of a heavy dump truck, which was invaluable in removing debris. Organ manufacturer's representative tells us that our organ console is ruined and beyond repair. It will be sent back to the factory for parts salvage. He tells us that in his opinion the main organ (pipes, bellows, etc.) sustained only minor damage; but of this he cannot be absolutely certain until a new console is installed. Mr. Fairhead of London, England, who designed the organ and supervised the building of it, is expected to be on hand personally within a few days. Meanwhile, a plastic partition has been erected across the chancel of the church as a safeguard against further moisture damage, and to permit some heat to be retained in the organ. Insurance adjuster has made several visits; and his building representatives came Thursday and began official examination of structural damage, and to assess condition of the walls. Our big question is: Are the walls sufficiently intact to enable us to proceed with the erection of a new roof? As soon as builder's report is presented, along with the insurance adjuster's report, a congregational meeting will be called. Until such reports are received, however, we have no concrete basis for decision or even serious discussion. In the meantime, our Stewards' Building Committee, under leadership of the Chairman, Murdock MacDonald, and Guy S. Richards, are carrying on and doing an excellent job, Mr. Richards is general liaison man for dealing with the insurance adjustor; and Mr. John Peterson is our representative for organ purposes. Letters and expressions of regret and concern are still being received. Many contain cheques to assist in starting our "Restoration Fund". To all these people who have written, phoned and in person have spoken - OUR THANKS. |
October 4, 1970 Today, on trial basis, we resume our 9.30 a.m. Service of Worship, using the Church Basement Hall. We have been assured that the ceiling is intact and in no danger of falling. Congregational Meeting - at noon today following 11 a.m. service to consider plans for the future in respect to our church building. No decision came about from this meeting, and it was agreed to call another Congregational meeting. |
Minister's Note Re. Our Building Situation |
As one who has lived beside St. James
Church for twenty-four years, and feel it
butnatural that he should know the congregation better than most individuals in it,
your minister has no hesitation in affirming
his belief that St. James Church still has
a vital ministry to carry on, and that the
present location is the best spot in Dartmouth to do it from. Having listened to the various discussions and opinions, and talked with builders, architects, and structural engineers, your Minister has no doubt that our existing building is repairable; and such repairs can be made at less than one-half (maybe a third) the cost of a new structure. People who talk of a new building should face the fact that the interest on a $200,000. debt (which we would be faced with) alone would amount to more than $20,000. annually. This is approximately one-half the amount we now raise for all purposes. To become thus involved would mean that our missionary outreach work would be crippled for many years. If this were a contingency we were obligated to face, doubtless we would face it and deal with it realistically; but this is not our present situation. A matter not considered at last Sunday's congregational meeting was the Church Organ. At a later Committee of Stewards meeting, Mr. John Paterson reported that cost of a new organ would range from $30,000. to $35,000. If present organ were salvaged for a new building only a small fraction of this value would be realized towards the cost of a new instrument. We believe that in the restoration of our present building all necessary organ work will be covered completely by our insurance. |
Murdock MacDonald Guy S. Richards Gerald C. Adams Vernon Weagle Donald Barteaux Donald MacLeod John Paterson Charles Pye Douglas Totten |
with Ross Hagar to serve as Secretary |
2nd Congregational Meeting held Oct. 14th |
1. | Authorized Building Committee to proceed with repair and restoration of Church Building. | |||
2. | Approved recommendation of Stewards Committee that Messrs. Pye and Totten be added to Congregational Building Committee. | |||
3. | Passed motion authorizing Committee of Stewards signing officers to sign necessary contracts, agreements, etc., involved in church repairs, etc., as approved by Congregational Building Committee. | |||
4. | Passed motion authorizing Stewards' Finance Committee to look after all necessary arrangements and plans for financing repairs and restoration, with power to co-opt members as committee sees fit. | |||
This was the best attended congregational meeting we have had for a long time, an indication of the deep interest and concern by all of us in respect to the matter in hand. |
Nov. 1, 1970 Church Building Repair Job was started October 19th, and is proceeding satisfactorily. We praise God for fine weather thus far. Mr. D. L. MacLeod, representing our architects, Leslie R. Fairn & Associates, as well as Contractor are on the job daily. Building Committee has decided to install a sprinkler system in connection with present repairs. We offer sympathy to the family of the late Mr. Clyde Teasdale and express our gratitude to them for their thoughtfulness in suggesting that in lieu of flowers they would welcome memorial gifts to St. James Restoration Fund. Mr. Teasdale had great interest in this church all his life; and has been one of our most constant supporters across the years. Thus, our thanks to all who in honouring Mr. Teasdale's memory have assisted us in our big job of restoring old St. James Church. |
Nov. 8, 1970 During the past week we have received a letter from the Dartmouth Museum Society expressing regret at our fire disaster and offering condolence to the congretation. Letter was signed by Mr. Kenneth Manuel, Museum Secretary, and expresses deep satisfaction in the knowledge that our historic building is being repaired, and will live on "as part of the heritage of the City of Dartmouth and as a seaward beacon". We are grateful to the Museum Society for this most thoughtful gesture of writing to us. Mr. John Paterson has been in communication with organ manufacturers in London, England. Order for a new organ console has been placed. |
Nov. 15, 1970 Church roof has now been boarded in and shingling has commenced. Many people from far and near have sent gifts for our Restoration Fund. Among those received this week was one from Dr. Helen Creighton, who says: "My parents and I have often worshipped in St. James, and if they were living I am sure they would wish to join me in making a contribution to your Restoration Fund. I hope the building will stand for many years and continue its fine service to our city". |
Nov. 29, 1970 Main roof of church is now completely shingled and work on tower has begun along with work in preparation for erection of a new ceiling in the church. We are especially grateful for the fine weather which enabled us to have the building made weather proof in record time. |
Dec. 6, 1970 Exterior work on the church building is nearing completion. Windows in belfry tower are in process of being replaced; and your minister is hoping we may be able to have our Christmas lights as in past years. We acknowledge with thanks and deep appreciation many gifts from our St. James people and from former St. James Church members, along with a gift of $100 from Reverend H. B. Kline on behalf of St. Thomas More Parish, as well as a cheque for $200. from St. Peter's Catholic Temperance Association and Benevolent Society Also, our Minister was the recipient, on behalf of our church, of cheque for $200. for our Restoration Fund from Dartmouth Local #624 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. These are indications of fellowship and concern which we have received from churches, clergy and organizations in the area across denominational lines. Surely, such tokens are evidence of the fact that in our troubled times the Spirit of God is bringing us closer together than we have been for many years in the Church of Jesus Christ. |
December 13, 1970 Today we record with much pleasure and appreciation our acknowledgement of a cheque for $1,350. for our Building Restoration Fund from our St. James UNITED CHURCH WOMEN. Here is another testimonial to the faithful witness of our U.C.W., and the fact that the women of our church are anxious to help share in the work of restoring our beloved old building. Across the years theirs has been a good witness both at home and abroad. It has been the decision of the Building Committee to use the contributions to the Church Restoration Fund towards the purchase of new pews for our church. As of the date of this booklet the total amount to this fund is close to $10,000. |
December 27, 1970 The following is presented with the consent of the author: ROUND AND ABOUT with Arnie Patterson, I saw a heartwarming sight as I drove through downtown Dartmouth last night. Nothing major or staggering in a physical sense, but a little thing that made me feel good, as something that I could interpret as a ray of hope. There were Christmas lights burning in the windows of the fire-damaged St. James United Church. Now, I dcn't care where your home town is, or what your status in life is or may have been. And I don't think it matters if you are formally religious, but as we get older I think we attach more importance to certain institutions. Your home town could be St. Catherines, Ontario, or Nelson B. C., or Charlottetown, or Sydney. There is a church in your town that has a special significance for you and yours. Now this is not intended as a holy note, because I am not necessarily a holy man. But having grown up in this town, St. James, St. Peter's, Christ Church, Grace United, the First Baptist have a special meaning for me. As I am sure that many of the newer churches have for others. In the case of St. James, as in reference to the other older churches, they have been part of the fabric of many generations. They are both part of our happiness and sadness. They share our life's experience. I thought it a particularly sad night when that old church burned. It was as if we were witnessing the demise of an old and respected friend. This feeling, as in the case of the even more devastating St. Peter's fire, was shared not only by the parishioners but by people in all parts of this city. For churches are not temples of mystery. But rather stations on the roadside of life, wherein we share our joys as well as sorrow. On this special night of all nights, I would think it even difficult for the most devout iconoclast not to sense at least a semblance of the goodness of man, imperfect, as he may be. In a world context, the lights shining forth from the steeple of St. James are perhaps a minute, flickering light; but I thought as I drove up Portland Street a symbol of hope and goodness. Arnie Patterson for CFDR. |
Work progressed satisfactorily through the
winter months and our church and entire basement
area began to "take on" its previous appearance
with a number of recognizable improvements. It was found necessary to re-plaster the entire basement area of the building. This whole area also received a new coat of paint (colour: honeydew with dark red doors). The old kitchen, where the fire was started, has been repaired with new counters and drawers built in. There is also a new electric stove. The floors in the entire church area have been covered with red carpet and it continues down the back stairs to the Men's Robing Room and into the Choir Room, which are also covered with the same red carpet as that in the church. New drapes have been aided to this area also. The inside of our entire church building is indeed beautiful! The new pews have added a magnificent appearance as well as providing a comfortable seating area. As the music poured forth from our rented electronic organ after it was installed on the morning of March 10th, one could not help but feel touched when we stood there and thought of the devastation and ruin of six months before in that same beautiful nave of today! We could not help but think how hopeless it looked then! Our Building Restoration Committee deserves much praise for the effort they have contributed to this Restoration Program. They had to attend numerous meetings, many on short notice, and there were decisions to be made which "could not be put off until tomorrow". They have tried in all ways to carry out the traditional styling of our old church building, and have succeeded in doing so, for which we are most thankful. Also, our supervisor of the job, Mr.(Ned) Edward Daigle has worked faithfully and has, I believe worked with much enthusiasm to follow the ideas and suggestions of our Committee. His "know-how" has made the task much easier. Our Minister, well, we find him to be a man of numerous qualities and abilities. One wonders how, especially during the Restoration Program, along with all the other obligations, he could find time to read and prepare a twenty minute sermon and then deliver it on Sundays, (with hardly any notes) without faltering. One would be led to think that he is blessed with a few more hours in his day than the rest of us. |
Our Ceremony marking the Restoration of the
Church Building took place on March 21, 1971.
The Service was held at 2.30 p.m, The church
was filled to capacity. Special speaker Rev.
George Russell, of Woodlawn United Church, told
the congregation that the church was not a building but a spirit. "Your building has had a
face-lifting but have you had a faith lifting?"
"Like Mose's burning bush, your church was
burnt but not consumed. Out of every sad thing
good can come it we accept the way God wants us
to go." Mr. Russell said St. James Church had
a mission to fill in downtown Dartmouth. He said the church was named after St. James the disciple with the understanding heart. It might be that St. James Church might be a place where people in need can go and find a congregation with understanding. Try to find your mission, Mr. Russell urged. "By holding high the fire from your torch of Christian faith, it might remind everyone in the city that the Church of St. James is the church with the understanding heart! Deputy Mayor L. A. Granfield, representing the mayor and city council praised the efforts of the congregation in rebuilding the church. Other messages of greeting were brought to The Congregation from Rev. H. B. Kline, dean of Dartmouth-Eastern Shore deanery, Rev. P. A. McDonald, President of the Dartmouth Ministerial Association: and Rev. Eric Fullerton, chairman of the Halifax Presbytery. Scripture lessons were read by Police Chief Roger Smith and Fire Chief Charles Findlay. A plaque commemorating the re-opening of the church after the fire was presented to the church's minister Rev. W. Grant MacDonald, by Mr. J. C. Adams, President of the Harbour Construction Co, Ltd. Other presentations consisted of pulpit Bibles by C. G. Roome, on behalf of the Roome family; and also by two students from the Sunday School. In his opening remarks, Mr. MacDonald welcomed the people to the re-opening of the church. He also praised the efforts of Fire Chief Findlay and the Fire Department. |
The Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary
of our Church Building was held on March 28th. at
the 11 a.m. service. Special speaker at this service was Dr. J. B. Hardie, Professor of uebrew and Old Testament at Pine Hill University. A booklet "Looking Across the Years - 1827-1971, on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of St. James Church Building", prepared under direction of Mr. Ian K. Forsyth, was distributed at this service. It contains an Historical sermon preached by Reverend Thomas Steward on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of St. James Church Building and highlights of the history for the next 50 years. |
PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND DEDICATION Eternal God, who has been man's dwelling place in all generations, under whose guidance our fathers walked, by whose presence they were strengthened and sustained, and in whom their found eternal life, kindle in us, we pray thee, a consciousness of thy Spirit as we endeavour to serve thee. Help us to praise thee for every memory which this time of commemoration revives, and for the great cloud of witnesses whose names are recorded in the annals of this congregation, and who witnessed a good confession in this community of believers across the course of many years. Deepen within us a sense of gratitude for sacrifices made by virtue of which we possess a great inheritance. Bestow upon us a renewed consciousness of the spirit of missionary zeal by which this congregation and this church come into being. Give us foresight and faith to anticipate the needs of those who will come after us, and to pass on to them a heritage of spiritual enrichment. So may we fulfil the hopes and aspirations of past generations. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. 0 God, our Father, who hast called us into thy Church and made us heirs of all the riches of Christ's gospel, awake us to its challenge and purpose. We thank thee for those who first have leadership in this congregation, and for the succession of men and women who hove passed on to us the living word of truth. Make us the present bearers of that light which enables people of our day to walk without stumbling. May thy blessing be upon this congregation of thy people through the days that are to come. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
From "The Dartmouth Free Press" |
The organization of St. James Church, was brought about by Scottish immigration to Dartmouth. The arrival of about 50 stone cutters and masons, in 1827, brought a number of Presbyterians. In January, on the 2nd day of the year 1829, Peter McNab and others combined by deed to form the "congregation of the Church of St. James in Dartmouth". The regular service in the morning was conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. W. A. Nicholson, the special preacher being Rev. Professor James W. Falconer, of Pine Hill College, son of the late Rev. Alex Falconer who was the pastor of the church at the time of its dedication 50 clears ago. | ||
"The Dartmouth Free Press", March 1971 | ||
A new hymnbook, accepted by tha Anglican Synod and the General Council off The United Church of Canada, will do more to promote growing towards union of the two churches than many meetings, resolutions and reports, says the current issue of The United Church Observer. Referring to the new hymn-book, The 0bserver says: "We expect the old among us will be less pleased; we hope the young will have reason for enthusiasm. For those who know the church, know many of the young have been bored with our congregational worship, and impatient with those who plan and conduct it. The new hymn-book will not solve the problem. If it is skilfully, joyfully and widely used, it will restore a measure of excitement to our services end enliven our worship" The new book contains 507 hymns, of which 204 are already found in both denominational hymn books, 51 of then are from the United Church Hymnary, 89 are from the Anglican Hymn Book, and another 150 are new compositions. The new book, available only in hardcover binding (red) with both words and music, will be $4.75 each, or $3.75 for larger orders. |
Harbour Construction Company Limited with |
Leslie R. Fairn and Associates - architects and engineers - Mr. D. L. MacLeod |
Portland Electrics Limited - Electrical Work |
Grinnel Sales Limited - Sprinkler System |
W. Eric Whebby Limited - boarding in windows etc., before repairs started |
James F. Lahey, Ltd. - Painting |
Ven-Rez Products Limited - Building pews, Shelburne, N. S. |
Wm: Hill & Son and Norman & Beard Ltd London, England - Building Organ Console |
Hart Day Furnishings - carpeting |
Lumber Supplied by: Elmsdale Lumber Company McCulloch's Co. Ltd. Dartmouth Lumber Co. Ltd. Piercey Supplies |
Finish Material by: Maritime Manufacturers Co. Ltd. Mahone Bay, N. S. |
![]() |
"Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it." (Psalm 90:17) |
"To unite all women of the congregation for the total mission of the Church and to provide a medium through which they may express their loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian Witness, Study, Fellowship and Service". |
The history of the Women's Missionary
Society, of St. James Church, Dartmouth, goes
back to the year 1888, when a group of missionary-minded ladies formed a society, affiliated with the Presbyterial, whose purpose was
solely the spread of the gospel to foreign
lands and to the far-flung outposts of Canada.
This was only 17 years after the splendid new
St. James church had been built, and no doubt
there was great need for money to be raised
for local purposes, but their Christian zeal
was such that they carried out our Lord's
command - "Go ye into all the world". It is unfortunate that their zeal did not extend to the preservation of their records, for very few reports of their work in the early years remain, except for a treasurer's book, and from it's pages we can form quite a picture of the work carried on by that enthusiastic group of church women. Every member's name is recorded in this old book, and it is curious and interesting to note that the St. James U.C.W, of the present day has, represented in it's membership, many of the old names - daughters and grand-daughters of pioneer members - whose names have been changed by marriage. Such names as Allen, Bell, Chisholm, Cameron, Crook, Dustan, Elliot, Forsryth, Gentles, Merson, Roome, Teasdale and Wambolt appear in the early annals of the Society. In the 1890's many items appear with reference to Korea. It was evidently the country apportioned to the St. James W.M.S., for aid, and we find such notes as - sent to Korea $19. Over the years amounts would vary from that amount to $33 - but it was allocated every year. Total receipts during the 1890's varied from $108 in 1894 to $153.32 in 1900. Quite a sum from a small group of women when one considers the money values of that day. In the early 1900's there is mention of the Trinidad Mission, and sums as large as $112 were sent from time to time. During the first World War years there was a sharp rise in missionary givings, and Thank-offering meetings often had amounts well over $100 - as much as the 1890's would raise in a whole year. In March of 1920 a Peace Offering is listed as $156, and for the Chinese Famine Fund for the same year - $40. Gradually over the years the women of St. James Church have increased their missionary givings until last year when all the groups of the U. C.W. sent $1705 to the Presbyterial Treasurer. But statistics are boring! One of the more interesting items in this old book was the shipment, from time to time, to various missionary stations of an item mentioned as "cost of shipment of barrel to West - $2.69". One cannot help musing on this. What went in the barrel? How far West did it go? Who received it? Did some poor missionary's wife have to wear same hand-me-downs from more affluent eastern ladies? Later another barrel was transported to "the West" for $1.69. Other expenditures mentioned included sending delegates to Presbyterial. Travel must have been by train in the days before the automobile and certainly it was cheaper, because a delegate to Sydney made the round trip for $9, while the next year the delegate's bill to Yarmouth was $6. Over the years the W.M.S. interest in missionary work was heightened by the study of thedifferent countries where our missionaries labored, and most of them visited the society when they returned home on furlough, bringing to us first-hand information on their work and needs. Two off these in whom the society had particular interest were Dr. Sidney Gilchrist and Dr. Florence Murray. While their labored to support their missionaries in foreign lands their own young people at home weren't neglected. The Robson Mission Circle (which later became the Annetta Rose group), the C.G.I.T., Explorers, Mission Band and Baby Band were all sponsored by the Society, and made a wonderful contribution to the life and work of the church. About this tire the Gordon auxiliary was formed by Mrs. J. W. A. Nicholson, especially for members who found themselves unable to attend afternoon meetings. However, after a few years circumstances enabled the group to join with the afternoon W.M.S. In 1925 when Church Union was effected, two of our most diligent workers, who could not accept union, joined the W.M.S. ranks of St. David's, and one became Dominion President of the Presbyterian in W.M.S. at the 60th anniversary of the founding of our W.M.S. this lady brought greetings from the Presbytarian Society, and gave a very inspiring address. When the amalgamation of all women's groups in the United Church took place in 1962 the W.M.S. and Ladies Guild of St. James, united to form the group known as the United Church Women, or the U.C.W. Although it embraces many kinds of Christian work the former W.M.S. work is also carried on with all groups contributing money, and delegates attending the yearly Presbyterial meetings. Thus keeping in touch with the current work of the church. In closing this brief resume we would like to repeat a comment made by the late. Dr. MacGlashen, when he brought greetings from the Presbytery to a Presbyterial meeting in the early 1920's - "Who can measure the power of women when they undertake working for a cause? I have been present at many Presbyterial meetings, and I can say that neither heat nor cold, rain, sleet, snow or slush, nor any other creature, will deter the women of the W.M.S. from attendance". Compiled by Mrs. R.H. Murray |
On Monday October 29, 1928, under the guidance of Rev. John MacDonald, the Ladies
Guild of Saint James United Church was formed with thirty-nine ladies present. The
purpose of the Society being "To place
flowers in the Church and to promote closer
and more friendlier feeling in the Congregation by working for the welfare of the
Church, financially and otherwise". Mrs. John Hardy, whose inspiration and efforts were largely responsible for the formation of the Guild and in whose memory a Communion Table was presented to the Church, conducted the meetings until the following slate of officers was elected Nov. 13, 1928. |
President | Mrs. W. H. Chisholm | |||
1st Vice President | Mrs. Ralph-Elliot | |||
2nd Vice President | Mrs. H. A. Love | |||
Secretary | Mrs. John MacDonald | |||
Treasurer | Mrs. J. W. Douglass |
Presidents of the guild from 1928-1961 |
Mrs. W. H. Chisholm Mrs. A. Anderson Mrs. C. W. Bell Mrs. J. H. Smallwood Mrs. Anugs Conrad Mrs. R.M. Barteaux Mrs. W. E. Moseley Mrs. L. E. Racine |
Mrs. H. A. Love Mrs. N. G. Marvin Mrs. J. B. Gray Mrs. S. D. Boland Mrs. F. M. Morris Mrs. F. Dobson Mrs. Cuthbertson Mrs. J. R. James |
In 1934 the Men's Club was formed and, in
cooperation with the Guild, money was raised
for the Church Hall Building Fund. Records
show the Guild contributed $8600,00 to this
fund. The War Effort is worthy of note. The members were busy sewing for the Evacuated children in England and for the Red Cross. Service men were entertained in the homes and in the Church Hall and the ladies assisted at the Y.M.C.A and Salvation Army Hostels. Ditty bage were filled for the Navy League and overseas boxes were sent to boys from our church. First Aid Kits were provide for the emergency station in the Church Hall and contributions were made to the Queen's Canadian Fund, The Queen's Canadian Christmas Fund, Aid to Russia Fund and the V.O.N. Assistance was given to the Cancer Society and the Mental Health Association. The Guild General meetings provided an opportunity for the members to enjoy many interesting programs, musicals, speakers and demonstrations as well as conducting the business of the Society. Groups met weekly to prepare any projects undertaken by the Guild. The first Ladies Bowling League was formed in 1935. For some time Guild members acted as hostesses in the Church on Sundays welcoming the congregation, newcomers and strangers. The sick and shut-ins were remembered with flowers from the Sunday services as well as Christmas treats and the needy were cared for. Many contributions were made to the church and its many organizations. They include the present lighting fixtures in the church, the Baptismal Font, Chair for the vestibule, piano, Cross on the Communion Table, gowns for the Minister and Choir, flags, collection plates, floor coverings, cushions for the seats in the gallery, etc. In the church halls the kitchens were completely outfitted with all possible conveniences for the use of all church organizations, the stage lighting and curtains in the Church Hall as well as furnishings for the Church Parlour and the Minister's Study also received contributions by the women's organizations. A Church Directory was compiled and kept for many years. The Sunday School was provided with prizes, Christmas treats, picnics and financial assistance was given to enable members and teachers to attend training courses at the Atlantic Training Centre. C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughter and Bob Scott Father and Son Banquets were catered for when requested. Contributions were made to the Church Deficit, The Session Fund, Church Library, the Hall Building Fund, Church and Hall Maintenance, Pine Hill Bursary Fund, British and Foreign Bible Society, Maritime Home for Girls, Mount Allison and others. Plays, concerts, suppers, teas, sales, wedding receptions, the Calendar Club (which netter over $3700.00) social evenings as well as annual Congregational Socials provided fellowship and enjoyment as well as providing the means to achieve the Guild objectives and showed constant and sincere effort on the part of all members. In 1961 the Charter members - Mrs. F. M. Morris, Mrs C. Morris, Mrs. H. A. Love, Mrs. A. Conrad, Mrs. H. MacQuarrie, Mrs. P. Jamieson, and Mrs. E. C. Morash - were honored. This year saw the dissolution of the Ladies' Guild after thirty-three years and there can be no doubt that it achieved the purposes for which it was formed. |
1962-1971 |
On Sunday, January 7, 1962, an inaugural Service was held in St. James United Church conducted by Rev. W. Grant MacDonald. This and the first official meeting held Jan. 9 ,1962, with fifty-six members present, saw the beginning of a new organization to be known as "The United Church Women of St. James United Church". A new beginning, not of new work, but a new organization through which to do an old work better, encompassing the Women's Missionary Society and The Ladies' Guild. By the end of 1962 there were one hundred and eighteen charter members and fifteen Life members (transferred from the Women's Missionary Society). Later Mrs. W. Grant MacDonald and Mrs. F. M. Morris were presented with Life Memberships in the U.C.W., the latter having been a charter member of the Ladies' Guild. |
The Officers - 1962 |
President 1st. Vice-President 2nd. Vice-President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer |
Mrs. F. M. Morris Mrs. C. F. Trider Mrs. F. S. MacDonald Mrs. I. K. Forsyth Mrs. F. B. Harris Mrs. R. Ritchie |
The Presidents 1962-1971 |
Mrs. F. M. Morris Mrs. C. F. Tridar Mrs. Murdock MacRae I. K. Forsyth |
Mrs. F. S. MacDonald Mrs. H. F. Peck Mrs. L. E. Racine |
Six Units made up the membership, but
at present there are five. The General Monthly Meetings consist of a Devotional period, program and business session followed by a period of fellowship. Supper meetings have been held with guests from other churches attending. The Units meet regularity. Mission and Bible Studies are conducted and embrace many countries as well as Modern Day topics. Handwork done in the Units has been contributed for Overseas Relief, Brunswick Street Mission, V.O.N. and needy families in the area and for the Easter and Christmas Sales. Many interesting and informative speakers have been enjoyed, bringing their experiences from all parts of the world, whether connected with their work or pleasure. Programs were presented by the members - skits, musical items, color slides and handicraft displays as well as demonstrations of pottery, cooking etc. The second Ladies' Bowling League was formed in 1963. A scrap book of all U.C.W. activities etc. has been kept up to date by the Press and Publicity covenors. One of these important events was the Buffet luncheon provided by the U.C.W. for Clergy, City and Provincial Officials and other dignitaries, when the Most, Reverend H. A. Clarke, the Anglican Primate of all Canada, was the guest speaker in the church in connection with the meeting in Halifax of the National Commission on church Union (Anglican and United Churches). In 1966 a Memorial Window was placed in the church (at an approximate value of $1300) and was "Dedicated to the Women of this Congregation. Presented by The United Church Women of St. James - 1966" An Oak table was placed in the Church Parlor in memory of Mrs. H. A. Love. The Christian and Missionary Education Department supervises assistance for all Church Organizations when requested and in particular to the SUNDAY SCHOOL - Prizes, treats and donations for the Library; Messengers, C. G. I. T. and Explorers, work and study packets, Mother and Daughter Banquets, Young People Rallies and suppers; Boy scouts and Cubs. Financial assistance given to members and teachers of all groups to enable them to attend the Atlantic Christian Training Centre and Camp Kidston. The sick and shut-ins are visited and remembered with flowers from the Sunday Services and with cards and treats. Newcomers were welcomed at a Friendship Coffee Party and a reception was held for Communicants. The annual Presbyterial meeting was held in St. James Church Hall in 1971, Members of the U.C.W. are represented at all annual meetings, rallies and book fairs etc. and have hosted Regional Rallies and Executive Meetings. The U. C.W. has been represented in the work of The Red Cross, The Cancer Society , Mental Health and the Activity Centre for Retarded Adults. The Head Start program for underprivileged children has been assisted financially and birthday cakes are provided for one branch of this society. Members of Units have visited the County Hospital. The Nova Scotia Hospital, The Senior Citizen's Home at Beaverbank, The Brunswick Street Mission and Ocean View Manor, providing treats and entertainment and refreshments for the patients. Envelope offerings, collections, teas
and sales, catering for weddings and pantry
sales have provided the resources for our
U.C.W. to meet their allocation annually for Mission and Service which includes a small percentage for Presbyterial and Conference expenses, ($14,801.00 to date) and assist
all organizations of the Church and make such contributions as: In 1967 the U. C.W., as part of their Canadian Centennial Project, donated $200.00 to the Cole Harbour United Church Building Fund. The United Church Women of St. James continue to fulfill the purpose of the "United Church Women" - "To unite all women of the Congregation for the total mission of the Church and to provide a medium through which they may express their loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian Witness, Fellowship and Service". Compiled by |
It has been a delightful experience for me to type and assemble this booklet
as my project for the Centennial Year
of the Church of St. James, Dartmouth,
N.S. As a member of the U.C.W. of St. James Church, I wish to thank Mrs. R. H. Murray and Mrs. Frank Harris and Mrs. Leslie Racine for their many hours of work in preparing the history of the Women's Missionary Society (W.M.S.), the Ladies' Guild and the United Cnurch Women (U.C.W.). Also, I wish to thank Reverend Mr. MacDonald who has been most willing and helpful. Many thanks also to Mrs. Frank S. MacDonald for providing me with newspaper clippings. To my daughter, Diann, for her help with the covers, and lastly to Mrs. J. McClintock, member of the "Miriam Unit" for helping me to assemble the pages. Sincerely, Margaret (Mrs. E.C.) Kerr March 31, 1971 |